Random Rubbish

another self indulgent personal blog

Archive for the ‘Cute stuff my kids say’ Category


It was my birthday a couple of days ago and as is the tradition in our house I get to stay in bed to open a few presents before going to work.

I was a very luck chap and received a lovely big bar of Toblerone from my daughter N. After I had unwrapped it she was very interested in it, picking it up and examining it closely. I asked her what it was. Her response:

“Um… Um… My Lunch!”

A wonderful moment.

Written by Anthony

October 14, 2010 at 9:00 pm

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Hopefully I’m More Than a Letter

My wife has started to teach N her alphabet and this includes having some chunky wooden letters that are lying all around the house that are perfect for tripping over.

While N hasn’t got very far with the abstract letters she can now associate a specific letter block to different things. N for herself. M for mummy, D for daddy and Grandma is winning the battle for who G represents at the moment. This in itself gets you into slightly strange conversations. Like her asking me where mummy is, when she is clearly sitting next to me. After several moments of perplexed wondering we realised she wants the letter M block.

One of the cutest thing she has done since associating letters with people is to leave the M and D letters not just randomly about but in places she expects to find us – So I have started to find the D on my pillow and and M in front of the mirror where here mummy dries her hair.

So not only can N show us that she is thinking of us. We also know she thinks I’m lazy and her mother is vain 🙂

Written by Anthony

October 6, 2010 at 8:00 pm

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How Goldilocks is this?

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Just after we got back from a walk around the lake and I was cleaning up the boots. I realised it was a perfect Goldilocks photo

Written by Anthony

October 4, 2010 at 9:53 am

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The Teddy Bears

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Over the last week both sets of N’s grandparents have been teaching her to cheer for their favourite sports teams. Her granddad started with the support of Warwickshire Bears and got her to shout “Come on you Bears!” Her granny then followed this up by encouraging her to support Leicester Tigers and spent Saturday afternoon geting her to shout “Come on Tigers!”

N always being both fearless and an constant innovator has subsequently shown her scorn of Warwickshire county cricket by shouting “Come on you Teddy Bears!” whenever asked.

At least she hasn’t upset the likes of Martin Castrogiovanni yet by calling the Tigers pussy cats yet.

Written by Anthony

September 20, 2010 at 11:58 am

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Not Enough Teapots

This Saturday we were having breakfast. ‘N’ had already finished hers and was running round the living room in her pyjamas.

She went out into the hall for a few moments and came back in running and  shouting: “I put my shoes on to go in car to buy more teapots” with only one shoe on, and that one was on the wrong foot.

This is clearly a very impressive sentence for someone who is not two. But WHAT is the problem with teapots?

Written by Anthony

September 6, 2010 at 10:44 am

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Why I know I’ll be taken care of

Given these times of economic uncertainty its good to know that you’re children will be able to take care of you when you’re old and infirm (Note: I don’t mean take CARE of you, this isn’t some future gangland dystopia although that would probably be a cheaper ).

Anyway enough digression. Last night I found my daughter ‘N’ sitting on our bedroom floor with a pair of my trousers next to her, with her hand in the pocket. When I asked her what she was doing she replied.

“I need coins for my money box”

Now this is from someone who is not two yet. The best bit for me was not I need coins for shopping or sweets, but for her money box demonstrating a level of fiscal responsibility that is highly impressive for someone so young. So I gave her a two pound coin, instead of the normal coppers.

I’m such a mug.

Written by Anthony

September 2, 2010 at 10:20 am

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